
It can be bad day for fishing if equipment isin`t working

We can help you with identifying problem and fixing it!

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Time to upgrade old equipment?

No matter if it`s just software upgrades you need or even new equipment, we have it all!

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Problems with VHF reception and/or transmission?

We can check if your connection to VHF equipment are all good, if not, we can fix it.

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Faults finding

We can find electrical equipment`s fault in your system and repair it.

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New equipment

If you need your equipment to be updated/new added, we can do it!

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We can upgrade your equipment software to newest versions.

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VHF testing

We can identify and repair problems with your VHF equipment.


Krampenes Skipselektronikk AS

Krampenes skipselektronikk is a small newly started company that offers ship electronic services. We are based in Krampenes, east on the Varanger peninsula in Vadsø municipality.

Our main focus is the fishing industry, where we can offer help and assistance with electricity and the electronics you have on board.

We can offer both updates to existing electronics as well as supply and install new equipment.

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